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Dear readers,

As we close the accounts for 2023, we are excited to share some achievements and updates with you. Our grantmaking capacity has surged to €12 million in 2023, marking a 50% increase compared to previous year.

This year, three of our collaborative projects - the European AI & Society Fund, Civitates, and the European Philanthropic Initiative on Migration (EPIM) - are embarking on a new strategic cycle. With renewed ambition, these initiatives aim to grow their resources and reach, fostering even more positive change across the European landscape. The collaborative spirit among foundations that sustain those efforts, serves as a beacon of hope, in the face of upcoming European elections and growing challenges to our democratic fabric.

At NEF, solidarity is ingrained as a fundamental value that drives us forward. It serves as a catalyst for unity across communities that our work serves, and across nations and borders. Through solidarity, we can achieve collective impact, nurturing a stronger ecosystem for a more resilient democracy for all.

We are thrilled that we recently held our annual Spring event, the NEF Collaborative Day. This year's event focused on 'strategic communications and narrative change,' bringing together our team and foundation partners for insightful discussions. We look forward to continuing this exciting learning journey and to turning some collaborative ideas that emerged throughout the day into actions.

Additionally, several NEF projects are embracing a 'shifting power' approach, with the support of NEF. For more insights into this transformative approach, don't miss the featured article from Alliance Magazine in this newsletter.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Peggy Saïller

NEF Executive Director

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